Four of us gathered and set off on a loop around Derbyshire level. The first challenge is to keep running up Cliffe Road - a very steep gradient that lasts about 400m in total, with small steps and determination we all reached the top. The route then levels off for a bit before a gradual climb of about 500m to the furthest point out. The road then undulates and to entertain us along the way we heard an owl....and then as we dropped down to Sheffield Road we saw another owl up close. We must have disturbed it as we turned the corner as it flew off, up over the hedge and into the trees. Shining my torch up into the branches must have disturbed it again as it then flew off and all four of us saw it. Now that's worth the early start.
A lovely run with good company, making the kilometres pass very easily. Since getting back I've had breakfast, post-run coffee and made flapjack that's just out of the oven. That's the snack sorted for elevenses.
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