Sunday, 12 February 2012

Birthday Bimble

Celebrating a friends birthday today found us joining her an annual bimble, this year around the frozen and snowy western edge of Bleaklow. On the walk over to Hadfield we passed a small reservoir which was almost frozen over....there were some interesting patterns on the surface.

Even though we were only out for a short walk I was prepared for the conditions....hence a rather large rucksack.

We climbed higher and managed to leave the rain and clag behind in the valley. The ground under foot was mostly solid and frozen, with a few decent patches of snow that still remain even though the snow fell over a week ago. Delicious homemade cake and hot drinks were scoffed at the summit of Cock Hill while we admired the view and rolling fog beneath us.

Dropping back into Hadfield the sun had set and we re-entered the claggy fog in the valley bottom....that sort of visibility (or lack of) could be quite disorientating if you don't know exactly where you are. 

Fortunately we we're only about 1km from the pub where a decent few beers and some food was obtained. Good times.

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