Our Easter break was spent with family in the Rhinogs, Wales. We headed down Friday and returned on Tuesday so had four full days to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet at the family cottage. The company was great and the food plentiful (thanks Sue and Gilly). I spent a lot of time just sitting, listening to the birds, watching the wind blow the trees, hearing the lambs in the surrounding fields bleating. I also took a large quantity of photographs, mostly of lovely little things for my collection - more of those later, but here's a select few to enjoy for now.
Saturday morning recce of the Ras Y Moelwyn race start/finish with Tim |
That lovely little bird, perched in the centre of the white stone chimney, is a barn owl. He or she is living in the old chimney at the family's cottage and comes out to go hunting most evenings....we were really lucky to spend over half an hour watching him perched, looking around. Sorry it's a poor quality photo; it was taken on my phone, through a window and the bit with the owl in shot is actually a mirror tilted on the wall.. |
Looking back to the cottage from the nearby fields |
Buzzard, saw three at the same time one day and could hear them calling |
Peacock butterfly |
Lovely flowers with lots of bumble bees buzzing around |
Sheep and lambs in fields around the cottage |
Spot the chaffinch |
Robin |
Me running with Foel Fras in the background |
Long view from the cottage down to the sand dunes and sea |
Last morning....early start to have the beach (almost) to ourselves |
Along with the barn owl we saw buzzards, a bunny rabbit (on Easter Sunday), wrens (who are the noisiest bird of all), sheep and lambs, cows and calves, red starts, blue tits, great tits, numerous moths and butterfly's, loads of other birds and I heard the local cuckoo off in the distance.
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