Saturday, 21 September 2013


The activities we chose to do cost something to us. Be that time, money, energy, the loss of something else. To me it is important that the things I do mean something to me. I don't like being wasteful, in any situation.

From the perspective of time, an activity may cost actual physical time. But what about the time it takes you away from other things - family, friends, work. Training takes time, whether you are doing the occasional charity event or racing every week. There will be some cost to your time (and the time of others). If you are even half-way serious about seeking a PB, a sub-whatever time in a race, reaching the next level, then you'll know that it involves an enormous investment of time.

So choose wisely. Time cannot be taken back.
But remember to enjoy the ride. Smile. Breathe easy knowing your decision was a good one.

Financially there's very little in life which comes free. Costs may well be negligible sometimes, but you need to be clothed, shod and get to the place you are going. This all costs. Equipment for everything these days costs. Technology doesn't come cheap (unless you want to follow the buy cheap/buy twice school of shopping). A tri-bike, a GPS watch, a cricket bat, a piece of gym gear. It all costs. And most people want the best for themselves. No matter whether they're on the breadline or on a good and generous income, there is a cost. And a choice to be made when the investment is hard earned cash on that next thing that's needed/wanted/desired.

So choose wisely. Money has to be earned.

Choosing one activity over another. Often a dilemma and a difficult decision to be made. You might chose to play cricket today, but miss out on a family occasion or a local event. Who do you let down? Who or what do you choose?

Whoever and whatever, choose wisely. Something has to take priority. Something has to come out on top.
Though the decision is yours. And yours alone.

With all that said. Often the best things in life are free. A chat with a friend as you have a leisurely run around a reservoir. The way their words make you smile and feel good about yourself.

The way you chose to feel. That's free. But it's still an investment. And it's still a choice.
Energy and emotions will be invested.
A decision made now is the one based on the right reasons. It is therefore the right reason. There is no need to fret about the ifs and buts.

I'm a great believer in doing what you want to do. Because time passes. And time does not stand still. Everything involves decisions and respect for the people in your life. But you are one person. Sharing your life with someone else puts a special twist on that thought process. You become a partnership. Yet you are still you.
Make your choices wisely.
But make them based on what you feel is right.

I learnt some lovely news yesterday from some very good friends. Thinking of them, and some of their generous words they put in their message, reminded me that I'm doing what I love. I'm happy with my life and how it's all going. I invested. I'm glad I did it with the one I'm sharing it with. Life is rich.

1 comment:

  1. I was sitting here reading this thinking, wow, now that is a blog post more people should read, it really resonates with me..... and then I get down to the bottom and I understand why. Great post Lynne, blog post from us coming right up!
