There was also the danger that the same few ladies (and men) would always be prize winners...and it's not that I race to win stuff (fell running prizes are often as glamorous as a pack of toilet rolls!)'s nice to be recognized for putting in effort throughout the year. It was with great delight (to me) then that the club committee changed the prize giving, with anyone who completed 7 races would be awarded a special prize in recognition.
Roll on the months and I just managed to get enough races in by doing the Oldham parkrun - it came down to either that or the Famous Grouse fell race. I had the opportunity to go to Oldham with a friend and help to pace her to a superb personal best time - very satisfying for both of us.
So, we had the club annual gathering and prizes were awarded for all the various categories, I received my print in recognition of completing the races through the year...and then...rather surprisingly I was called up again. This time, to be awarded the Vets Championship trophy in the Fell Champs!! I'm sharing the trophy with the male vet champ, but for the next six months the trophy is on my mantelpiece!

I'm now eagerly awaiting the 2016 races to be announced so I can get some in my diary.